Actions determine what happens when users interact with an element. Elements such as lists, buttons, and images added to the screens have the feature of determining action. It can be used to direct the users to another screen, to interact, or design your flows.
When you specify a table in list elements as a source, Kozmik creates several screens automatically such as Create Form, Update Form, and Detail Screen. There are built-in action types like "Show Detail Screen" "Show Create Form" and "Show Update Form" for those screens.
Show Screen
It allows the user to go to the screen that you specify when the button is pressed.
Show Detail Screen
This action only appears on list elements. It allows the user to go to the detail screen is created automatically by Kozmik when the button is pressed.
Show Create Form
It allows the user to go to one of the automatically created "Create Form" screens that you specify when the button is pressed.
Show Update Form
This action only appears on the list elements and detail screen. It allows the user to go to one of the automatically created "Update Form" screens that you specify when the button is pressed.
Show Notification
When the button is pressed, the message you specify is displayed as a pop-over notification on the screen.
Go Back
It allows the user to return to the previous page if the button is pressed.
Go To Tab
It allows the user to go to the tab that you specify when the button is pressed.
Open Link
If the button is pressed, it allows the user to reach the link you have specified via the web browser.
Open Menu
When the button is pressed, it opens the hamburger menu.
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